leap package


leap.leap_add_ions module

Module containing the LeapAddIons class and the command line interface.

class leap.leap_add_ions.LeapAddIons(input_pdb_path: str, output_pdb_path: str, output_top_path: str, output_crd_path: str, input_lib_path: str | None = None, input_frcmod_path: str | None = None, input_params_path: str | None = None, input_prep_path: str | None = None, input_source_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BiobbObject

biobb_amber LeapAddIons
Adds counterions to a system box for an AMBER MD system using tLeap tool from the AmberTools MD package.
  • input_pdb_path (str) – Input 3D structure PDB file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: pdb (edam:format_1476).

  • input_lib_path (str) (Optional) –

    Input ligand library parameters file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: lib (edam:format_3889), zip (edam:format_3987).

  • input_frcmod_path (str) (Optional) –

    Input ligand frcmod parameters file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: frcmod (edam:format_3888), zip (edam:format_3987).

  • input_params_path (str) (Optional) –

    Additional leap parameter files to load with loadAmberParams Leap command. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: in (edam:format_2330), leapin (edam:format_2330), txt (edam:format_2330), zip (edam:format_3987).

  • input_prep_path (str) (Optional) –

    Additional leap parameter files to load with loadAmberPrep Leap command. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: in (edam:format_2330), leapin (edam:format_2330), txt (edam:format_2330), zip (edam:format_3987).

  • input_source_path (str) (Optional) –

    Additional leap command files to load with source Leap command. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: in (edam:format_2330), leapin (edam:format_2330), txt (edam:format_2330), zip (edam:format_3987).

  • output_pdb_path (str) –

    Output 3D structure PDB file matching the topology file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: pdb (edam:format_1476).

  • output_top_path (str) –

    Output topology file (AMBER ParmTop). File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: top (edam:format_3881), parmtop (edam:format_3881), prmtop (edam:format_3881).

  • output_crd_path (str) –

    Output coordinates file (AMBER crd). File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: crd (edam:format_3878), mdcrd (edam:format_3878), inpcrd (edam:format_3878).

  • properties (dic - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –

    • forcefield (list) - ([“protein.ff14SB”,”DNA.bsc1”,”gaff”]) Forcefields to be used for the structure generation. Each item should be either a path to a leaprc file or a string with the leaprc file name if the force field is included with Amber (e.g. “/path/to/leaprc.protein.ff14SB” or “protein.ff14SB”). Default values: [“protein.ff14SB”,”DNA.bsc1”,”gaff”].

    • water_type (str) - (“TIP3PBOX”) Water molecule parameters to be used for the topology. Values: POL3BOX, QSPCFWBOX, SPCBOX, SPCFWBOX, TIP3PBOX, TIP3PFBOX, TIP4PBOX, TIP4PEWBOX, OPCBOX, OPC3BOX, TIP5PBOX.

    • box_type (str) - (“truncated_octahedron”) Type for the MD system box. Values: cubic, truncated_octahedron.

    • ions_type (str) - (“ionsjc_tip3p”) Ions type. Values: ionsjc_tip3p, ionsjc_spce, ionsff99_tip3p, ions_charmm22, ionsjc_tip4pew, None.

    • neutralise (bool) - (“True”) Energetically neutralise the system adding the necessary counterions.

    • ionic_concentration (float) - (50) Additional ionic concentration to include in the system box. Units in Mol/L.

    • positive_ions_number (int) - (0) Number of additional positive ions to include in the system box.

    • negative_ions_number (int) - (0) Number of additional negative ions to include in the system box.

    • positive_ions_type (str) - (“Na+”) Type of additional positive ions to include in the system box. Values: Na+,K+.

    • negative_ions_type (str) - (“Cl-”) Type of additional negative ions to include in the system box. Values: Cl-.

    • binary_path (str) - (“tleap”) Path to the tleap executable binary.

    • remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.

    • restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.

    • sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.

    • container_path (str) - (None) Container path definition.

    • container_image (str) - (‘afandiadib/ambertools:serial’) Container image definition.

    • container_volume_path (str) - (‘/tmp’) Container volume path definition.

    • container_working_dir (str) - (None) Container working directory definition.

    • container_user_id (str) - (None) Container user_id definition.

    • container_shell_path (str) - (‘/bin/bash’) Path to default shell inside the container.


This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:

from biobb_amber.leap.leap_add_ions import leap_add_ions
prop = {
    'forcefield': ['protein.ff14SB'],
    'water_type': 'TIP3PBOX',
    'neutralise' : True
find_leaprc_paths(forcefields: List[str]) List[str][source]

Find the leaprc paths for the force fields provided.

For each item in the forcefields list, the function checks if the str is a path to an existing file. If not, it tries to find the file in the $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/cmd/ directory or the $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/cmd/oldff/ directory with and without the leaprc prefix.


forcefields (List[str]) – List of force fields to find the leaprc files for.


List of leaprc file paths.

Return type:



Computes the number of positive and negative ions from the input ionic concentration and the number of water molecules in the system box.


Launches the execution of the LeapAddIons module.

leap.leap_add_ions.leap_add_ions(input_pdb_path: str, output_pdb_path: str, output_top_path: str, output_crd_path: str, input_lib_path: str | None = None, input_frcmod_path: str | None = None, input_params_path: str | None = None, input_prep_path: str | None = None, input_source_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int[source]

Create LeapAddIons method


leap.leap_build_linear_structure module

Module containing the LeapBuildLinearStructure class and the command line interface.

class leap.leap_build_linear_structure.LeapBuildLinearStructure(output_pdb_path, properties, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BiobbObject

biobb_amber.leap.leap_build_linear_structure LeapBuildLinearStructure
Builds a linear (unfolded) 3D structure from an AA sequence using tLeap tool from the AmberTools MD package.
  • output_pdb_path (str) –

    Linear (unfolded) 3D structure PDB file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: pdb (edam:format_1476).

  • properties (dic - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –

    • sequence (str) - (“ALA GLY SER PRO ARG ALA PRO GLY”) Aminoacid sequence to convert to a linear 3D structure. Aminoacids should be written in 3-letter code, with a blank space between them.

    • forcefield (list) - ([“protein.ff14SB”,”DNA.bsc1”,”gaff”]) Forcefields to be used for the structure generation. Each item should be either a path to a leaprc file or a string with the leaprc file name if the force field is included with Amber (e.g. “/path/to/leaprc.protein.ff14SB” or “protein.ff14SB”). Default values: [“protein.ff14SB”,”DNA.bsc1”,”gaff”].

    • build_library (bool) - (False) Generate AMBER lib file for the structure.

    • binary_path (str) - (“tleap”) Path to the tleap executable binary.

    • remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.

    • restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.

    • sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.

    • container_path (str) - (None) Container path definition.

    • container_image (str) - (‘afandiadib/ambertools:serial’) Container image definition.

    • container_volume_path (str) - (‘/tmp’) Container volume path definition.

    • container_working_dir (str) - (None) Container working directory definition.

    • container_user_id (str) - (None) Container user_id definition.

    • container_shell_path (str) - (‘/bin/bash’) Path to default shell inside the container.


This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:

from biobb_amber.leap.leap_build_linear_structure import leap_build_linear_structure
prop = {
    'build_library': False,
    'forcefield': ['protein.ff14SB']
check_data_params(out_log, err_log)[source]

Checks input/output paths correctness

find_leaprc_paths(forcefields: List[str]) List[str][source]

Find the leaprc paths for the force fields provided.

For each item in the forcefields list, the function checks if the str is a path to an existing file. If not, it tries to find the file in the $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/cmd/ directory or the $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/cmd/oldff/ directory with and without the leaprc prefix.


forcefields (List[str]) – List of force fields to find the leaprc files for.


List of leaprc file paths.

Return type:



Launches the execution of the LeapBuildLinearStructure module.

leap.leap_build_linear_structure.leap_build_linear_structure(output_pdb_path: str, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int[source]

Create LeapBuildLinearStructure method


leap.leap_gen_top module

Module containing the LeapGenTop class and the command line interface.

class leap.leap_gen_top.LeapGenTop(input_pdb_path: str, output_pdb_path: str, output_top_path: str, output_crd_path: str, input_lib_path: str | None = None, input_frcmod_path: str | None = None, input_params_path: str | None = None, input_prep_path: str | None = None, input_source_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BiobbObject

biobb_amber.leap.leap_gen_top LeapGenTop
Generates a MD topology from a molecule structure using tLeap tool from the AmberTools MD package.
  • input_pdb_path (str) –

    Input 3D structure PDB file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: pdb (edam:format_1476).

  • input_lib_path (str) (Optional) –

    Input ligand library parameters file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: lib (edam:format_3889), zip (edam:format_3987).

  • input_frcmod_path (str) (Optional) –

    Input ligand frcmod parameters file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: frcmod (edam:format_3888), zip (edam:format_3987).

  • input_params_path (str) (Optional) –

    Additional leap parameter files to load with loadAmberParams Leap command. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: in (edam:format_2330), leapin (edam:format_2330), txt (edam:format_2330), zip (edam:format_3987).

  • input_prep_path (str) (Optional) –

    Additional leap parameter files to load with loadAmberPrep Leap command. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: in (edam:format_2330), leapin (edam:format_2330), txt (edam:format_2330), zip (edam:format_3987).

  • input_source_path (str) (Optional) –

    Additional leap command files to load with source Leap command. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: in (edam:format_2330), leapin (edam:format_2330), txt (edam:format_2330), zip (edam:format_3987).

  • output_pdb_path (str) –

    Output 3D structure PDB file matching the topology file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: pdb (edam:format_1476).

  • output_top_path (str) –

    Output topology file (AMBER ParmTop). File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: top (edam:format_3881), parmtop (edam:format_3881), prmtop (edam:format_3881).

  • output_crd_path (str) –

    Output coordinates file (AMBER crd). File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: crd (edam:format_3878), mdcrd (edam:format_3878), inpcrd (edam:format_3878).

  • properties (dic - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –

    • forcefield (list) - ([“protein.ff14SB”,”DNA.bsc1”,”gaff”]) Forcefields to be used for the structure generation. Each item should be either a path to a leaprc file or a string with the leaprc file name if the force field is included with Amber (e.g. “/path/to/leaprc.protein.ff14SB” or “protein.ff14SB”). Default values: [“protein.ff14SB”,”DNA.bsc1”,”gaff”].

    • binary_path (str) - (“tleap”) Path to the tleap executable binary.

    • remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.

    • restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.

    • sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.

    • container_path (str) - (None) Container path definition.

    • container_image (str) - (‘afandiadib/ambertools:serial’) Container image definition.

    • container_volume_path (str) - (‘/tmp’) Container volume path definition.

    • container_working_dir (str) - (None) Container working directory definition.

    • container_user_id (str) - (None) Container user_id definition.

    • container_shell_path (str) - (‘/bin/bash’) Path to default shell inside the container.


This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python:

from biobb_amber.leap.leap_gen_top import leap_gen_top
prop = {
    'forcefield': ['protein.ff14SB']
find_leaprc_paths(forcefields: List[str]) List[str][source]

Find the leaprc paths for the force fields provided.

For each item in the forcefields list, the function checks if the str is a path to an existing file. If not, it tries to find the file in the $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/cmd/ directory or the $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/cmd/oldff/ directory with and without the leaprc prefix.


forcefields (List[str]) – List of force fields to find the leaprc files for.


List of leaprc file paths.

Return type:



Launches the execution of the LeapGenTop module.

leap.leap_gen_top.leap_gen_top(input_pdb_path: str, output_pdb_path: str, output_top_path: str, output_crd_path: str, input_lib_path: str | None = None, input_frcmod_path: str | None = None, input_params_path: str | None = None, input_prep_path: str | None = None, input_source_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int[source]

Create LeapGenTop method


leap.leap_solvate module

Module containing the LeapSolvate class and the command line interface.

class leap.leap_solvate.LeapSolvate(input_pdb_path: str, output_pdb_path: str, output_top_path: str, output_crd_path: str, input_lib_path: str | None = None, input_frcmod_path: str | None = None, input_params_path: str | None = None, input_prep_path: str | None = None, input_source_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BiobbObject

biobb_amber LeapSolvate
Creates and solvates a system box for an AMBER MD system using tLeap tool from the AmberTools MD package.
  • input_pdb_path (str) –

    Input 3D structure PDB file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: pdb (edam:format_1476).

  • input_lib_path (str) (Optional) –

    Input ligand library parameters file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: lib (edam:format_3889), zip (edam:format_3987).

  • input_frcmod_path (str) (Optional) –

    Input ligand frcmod parameters file. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: frcmod (edam:format_3888), zip (edam:format_3987).

  • input_params_path (str) (Optional) –

    Additional leap parameter files to load with loadAmberParams Leap command. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: in (edam:format_2330), leapin (edam:format_2330), txt (edam:format_2330), zip (edam:format_3987).

  • input_prep_path (str) (Optional) –

    Additional leap parameter files to load with loadAmberPrep Leap command. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: in (edam:format_2330), leapin (edam:format_2330), txt (edam:format_2330), zip (edam:format_3987).

  • input_source_path (str) (Optional) –

    Additional leap command files to load with source Leap command. File type: input. Sample file. Accepted formats: in (edam:format_2330), leapin (edam:format_2330), txt (edam:format_2330), zip (edam:format_3987).

  • output_pdb_path (str) –

    Output 3D structure PDB file matching the topology file. File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: pdb (edam:format_1476).

  • output_top_path (str) –

    Output topology file (AMBER ParmTop). File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: top (edam:format_3881), parmtop (edam:format_3881), prmtop (edam:format_3881).

  • output_crd_path (str) –

    Output coordinates file (AMBER crd). File type: output. Sample file. Accepted formats: crd (edam:format_3878), mdcrd (edam:format_3878), inpcrd (edam:format_3878).

  • properties (dic - Python dictionary object containing the tool parameters, not input/output files) –

    • forcefield (list) - ([“protein.ff14SB”,”DNA.bsc1”,”gaff”]) Forcefields to be used for the structure generation. Each item should be either a path to a leaprc file or a string with the leaprc file name if the force field is included with Amber (e.g. “/path/to/leaprc.protein.ff14SB” or “protein.ff14SB”). Default values: [“protein.ff14SB”,”DNA.bsc1”,”gaff”].

    • water_type (str) - (“TIP3PBOX”) Water molecule parameters to be used for the topology. Values: POL3BOX, QSPCFWBOX, SPCBOX, SPCFWBOX, TIP3PBOX, TIP3PFBOX, TIP4PBOX, TIP4PEWBOX, OPCBOX, OPC3BOX, TIP5PBOX.

    • box_type (str) - (“truncated_octahedron”) Type for the MD system box. Values: cubic, truncated_octahedron.

    • ions_type (str) - (“ionsjc_tip3p”) Ions type. Values: ionsjc_tip3p, ionsjc_spce, ionsff99_tip3p, ions_charmm22, ionsjc_tip4pew, None.

    • neutralise (bool) - (“False”) Energetically neutralise the system adding the necessary counterions.

    • iso (bool) - (“False”) Make the box isometric.

    • positive_ions_number (int) - (0) Number of additional positive ions to include in the system box.

    • negative_ions_number (int) - (0) Number of additional negative ions to include in the system box.

    • positive_ions_type (str) - (“Na+”) Type of additional positive ions to include in the system box. Values: Na+,K+.

    • negative_ions_type (str) - (“Cl-”) Type of additional negative ions to include in the system box. Values: Cl-.

    • distance_to_molecule (float) - (“8.0”) Size for the MD system box -in Angstroms-, defined such as the minimum distance between any atom originally present in solute and the edge of the periodic box is given by this distance parameter.

    • closeness (float) - (“1.0”) How close, in Å, solvent ATOMs may come to solute ATOMs.

    • binary_path (str) - (“tleap”) Path to the tleap executable binary.

    • remove_tmp (bool) - (True) [WF property] Remove temporal files.

    • restart (bool) - (False) [WF property] Do not execute if output files exist.

    • sandbox_path (str) - (“./”) [WF property] Parent path to the sandbox directory.

    • container_path (str) - (None) Container path definition.

    • container_image (str) - (‘afandiadib/ambertools:serial’) Container image definition.

    • container_volume_path (str) - (‘/tmp’) Container volume path definition.

    • container_working_dir (str) - (None) Container working directory definition.

    • container_user_id (str) - (None) Container user_id definition.

    • container_shell_path (str) - (‘/bin/bash’) Path to default shell inside the container.


This is a use example of how to use the building block from Python::

from biobb_amber.leap.leap_solvate import leap_solvate prop = {

‘forcefield’: [‘protein.ff14SB’], ‘water_type’: ‘TIP3PBOX’, ‘box_type’: ‘truncated_octahedron’, ‘neutralise’ : True

} leap_solvate(input_pdb_path=’/path/to/structure.pdb’,

output_pdb_path=’/path/to/newStructure.pdb’, output_top_path=’/path/to/newTopology.top’, output_crd_path=’/path/to/newCoordinates.crd’, properties=prop)

find_leaprc_paths(forcefields: List[str]) List[str][source]

Find the leaprc paths for the force fields provided.

For each item in the forcefields list, the function checks if the str is a path to an existing file. If not, it tries to find the file in the $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/cmd/ directory or the $AMBERHOME/dat/leap/cmd/oldff/ directory with and without the leaprc prefix.


forcefields (List[str]) – List of force fields to find the leaprc files for.


List of leaprc file paths.

Return type:



Launches the execution of the LeapSolvate module.

leap.leap_solvate.leap_solvate(input_pdb_path: str, output_pdb_path: str, output_top_path: str, output_crd_path: str, input_lib_path: str | None = None, input_frcmod_path: str | None = None, input_params_path: str | None = None, input_prep_path: str | None = None, input_source_path: str | None = None, properties: dict | None = None, **kwargs) int[source]

Create LeapSolvate method
