Biobb Amber changelog
What’s new in version 5.0.4?
FEATURE: Added support for downloaded or old force fields
What’s new in version 5.0.3?
FIX: Accept lists in different formats for input parameters.
What’s new in version 5.0.2?
What’s new in version 5.0.0?
FEATURE: Importing submodules when a module is loaded
[UPDATE] Adding sandbox_path property to the json schemas
[FEATURE] New sandbox_path property
[FEATURE] Adding direct_mdin option
What’s new in version 4.2.0?
In version 4.2.0 the dependency biobb_common has been updated to 4.2.0 version.
New features
Update to biobb_common 4.2.0 (general)
What’s new in version 4.1.0?
In version 4.1.0 the dependency biobb_common has been updated to 4.1.0 version.
New features
Update to biobb_common 4.1.0 (general)
What’s new in version 4.0.1?
In version 4.0.1 some minor bugs have been fixed in leap submodule.
New features
Minor bug fixes (leap)
What’s new in version 4.0.0?
In version 4.0.0 the dependency biobb_common has been updated to 4.0.0 version.
New features
Update to biobb_common 4.0.0 (general)
What’s new in version 3.9.0?
In version 3.9.0 the dependency biobb_common has been updated to 3.9.0 version.
New features
Update to biobb_common 3.9.0 (general)
All inputs/outputs are checked for correct file format, extension and type (general)
What’s new in version 3.8.0?
In version 3.8.0 the dependency biobb_common has been updated to 3.8.1 version.
New features
Update to biobb_common 3.8.1 (general)
What’s new in version 3.7.1?
In version 3.7.1 entry points have been added to
What’s new in version 3.7.0?
In version 3.7.0 the dependency biobb_common has been updated to 3.7.0 version.
New features
Update to biobb_common 3.7.0 (general)
What’s new in version 3.6.2?
In version 3.6.2 some bugs have been fixed.
New features
Sander/Pmemd mdin parser upgraded
What’s new in version 3.6.1?
In version 3.6.1 some bugs have been fixed.
Other changes
Bug fixes
What’s new in version 3.6.0?
In version 3.6.0 the dependency biobb_common has been updated to 3.6.0 version.
New features
Update to biobb_common 3.6.0 (general)
What’s new in version 3.5.0?
New package wrapping AMBER MD tool. In version 3.5.0 the dependency biobb_common has been updated to 3.5.1 version. Also, there has been implemented the new version of docstrings, therefore the JSON Schemas have been modified.
New features
New Package biobb_amber
Update to biobb_common 3.5.1 (general)
New extended and improved JSON schemas (Galaxy and CWL-compliant) (general)
Other changes
New docstrings